Grace St. John's United Church
of Christ
1700 E. Pettit Av.
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806
Phone #: 260-745-4951
O holy Wind of God now blowing,
you are the seed that God is sowing,
You are the life that starts us growing:
Spirit, now live in me.
Bryan Jeffery Leech, 1976
We are a congregation open to God's will. We welcome all who seek a closer relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. We come from different paths, but recognize that the Spirit guides us. As Christians, we are one.
We share God's love for all. We listen for God's guidance.
Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
For where two or three are gathered in my name,
I am there among them.
Matthew 18:20

Fr. Michel Holland, Pastor